Friday, May 17, 2013

So I was roaming around through YouTube and I honestly think I found the best evil child ever.  This child will most likely be the next Hitler with that evil laugh.  Okay so the video just seems very lame like just a kid playing with a toy car and at the end that child's laugh will make your eyes open wide and laugh so hard.  Most stupid baby just make you smirk but people seem to die laughing from this demon from hell.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

In my view if I honestly could be on any TV show it would have to be Mythbusterss. Just cause they seem always blow things up and shoot all the fun things from pistols to RPG (not role playing game but  rocket propelled grenade).  It's every gingers dream to learn ways to blow up things or make things into weapons. Plus I love walruses.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I've been following a story on a 3-D printed gun.  Now for America I'm like "great guns made of plastic".  But I didn't know you could print a 30 round magazine for say a AR-15, and a lower receiver to change a semi automatic AR-15 (meaning the bullets come out as fast as you pull the trigger) to a fully automatic weapon (meaning the bullets fire till you let go of the trigger or you run out of bullets).